Our Beliefs : Johansson Financial | New York Life Insurance, Columbia, SC

Our Beliefs

We are a company founded on strong beliefs, Beliefs that manifest themselves in the way we do business

We are a company founded on strong beliefs, beliefs that manifest themselves in the way we do business, through our employees, and agents, and the products we sell and the services we provide.

We believe in FINANCIAL STRENGTH. We believe in maintaining and enhancing our sound financial position so we can continue
to do what we have always done: be there for our customers.

We believe in INTEGRITY. We believe adherence to the highest standards of integrity is the principal means of the success of our products, our dealings with our customers, and our contribution to society. Our integrity keeps us dedicated to providing our clients with value and financial security in the products we offer and quality and responsiveness in the services we provide.

And most of all, we believe in HUMANITY. We believe treating our customers, agents, and employees with compassion, consideration, and respect. Our business is unique in that we posses the ability to help people provide for their futures and make their lives less worrisome, and our enduring belief in humanity keeps us from losing sight of this fact.

From the time New York Life was founded in 1845 to the present day, we have stayed true to these beliefs. They are the driving force behind what we were, what we are, and what we strive to become. Through every change that has taken place and will take place in our Company or in society at large, these beliefs keep us focused on the fact that we are in a business that can MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S LIVES.